happy reading ♡

webcomic by @wonseubt


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

The views and opinions expressed by the characters in this webcomic do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by the people they were based off.

The author of this webcomic claims no copyright to the paintings that were used. The said content were painted by Xu Minghao. These paintings were blurred by the author as a sign of respect for the original owner.

note: this webcomic has been canceled.

this was completely made out of self-interest by one person (hint: it's me, @wonseubt). it took me too long to update bcs of uni and... yea, it made me lose motivation to continue, sorry :(

here's the prompt this whole webcomic was based on btw:

^ this explains the description on this carrd lol
(click the pics to go to the actual tweet)

tl;dr i love both wonhao and gyuhao and i cant CHOOSE

if you liked this and you have comments and suggestions,
please drop them at my curiouscat 🥺 thank you for reading ♡

p.s. it's my first time doing a webcomic + drawing something semi-realistic digitally, that's why
they don't look exactly like the ppl they were based off 😿 i'm sorry ;n;

p.p.s. i have a gyuhao Oneshot webcomic (angst) in mind, follow me to see if i actually push through with it lol